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Bulk Email Server Guide: Basic EMS Config

First, I would suggest you look around and get familiar with Mumara. If you worked with Interspire and co you will not have any problems. If you are familiar with WordPress style admin and like it as much as I do, navigating will be a breeze.

The next thing you will probably realize is that Mumara comes with everything you ever wanted and needed for successful email marketing.

Now that you looked around a bit and you know where what is let's begin with the basic configuration that is required for everything to work.

Set your timezone

You might think, meh, I don't care if the time I see in Mumara is correct, but setting up the time to your correct time zone (the same you set in the control panel) is very important, and here is why.

Mumaras internal time is used to set email headers about sent time. So if your time is incorrect your emails will come from past or future.

If you are planning to use a campaign schedule or evergreen campaigns you will need your time to be correct in order to set a time when you want your emails to start sending.

First, click on the Profile icon at the top.

mumara user profile

Now select the same time zone from the drop-down you selected in the control panel before. You should know what time zone your city is located.

Now do the same under 'Settings > Application Settings' if you plan on adding more users or sub-users just to make sure their time is set up correctly and they don't have to worry about this.

Having problems?
Please use the comments below for your questions. This way other users can benefit from provided answers. Please read this first!

This tutorial is a part of the complete Do It Yourself Bulk Email Server Guide. If you are interested in starting with email marketing or want to improve your delivery, open, and click rates I recommend that you follow it from the beginning. Almost 15 years in this business and many, many tests show that this is the best long-run solution for every mass email sender with a double opt-in, scraped, or bought list.

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This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. ninja

    Here are most frequent problems users have in this step.

    None so far.

  2. jnyyzzz

    After log in, mumara says “Remove installer.php and install.php to continue.”
    How do i remove these files? Thanks.

    1. ninja

      Usually, this is done automatically if you just reload page. If that didn’t help connect over SSH and go to /home/user/public_html/mumaradir/ and delete both files.

      Also, check your file permissions and ownership.

  3. jnyyzzz

    My laptop is using a dynamic IP from my ISP. I used to be able to access Mumara, but after a few days, when trying to access Mumara at https://domain.com/ems/ , I get error message: “Login Not allowed from this IP Address x.x.x.x”.

    Is there a way to add an IP to allow access to Mumara (maybe via CWP or other way?)

    1. ninja

      it should be. go to phpmyadmin and search for your IP ion mumaras DB to see in which table it is. Then just add a new one or remove existing

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