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Bulk Email Server Guide: Bounce Emails and Feedback Loops
We are over all the confusing and hard parts of the setup and your server is almost ready to send out your first email.
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We already learned how to create email accounts before and since it is really simple you should be able to do this on your own. If you having trouble go back to the steps where we covered this.
Once you are done test your bounce emails by clicking the Checkbox in the top right corner in Mumara.
Having problems?
Please use the comments below for your questions. This way other users can benefit from provided answers. Please read this first!
This tutorial is a part of the complete Do It Yourself Bulk Email Server Guide. If you are interested in starting with email marketing or want to improve your delivery, open, and click rates I recommend that you follow it from the beginning. Almost 15 years in this business and many, many tests show that this is the best long-run solution for every mass email sender with a double opt-in, scraped, or bought list.
Join Hundreds of Happy Email Marketers!
This Post Has 7 Comments
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Here are most frequent problems users have in this step.
None so far.
i do not get any status from mumara whenever i run test
what do you mean by status and what kind of test?
http://xxx.xxxx.xxx:3187 not is not accesible. Honestly I have done everything possible to make this work and it is leaving me frustrated. 4 days in a whole. I managed to connect mumara to powermta. i even set the config file of powermta as you stipulated in the settings but nothing works.
to the best of my knowledge i think i was able to make port acceptable (open port) for powermta smtp and monitor both in config file, mumara and CWP… i do not know what else i am doing wrong here.
I have also corrected the DKIM to the one i recieved from mumara. iRedMail confirms it is working when i put the command “amavisd -c /etc/amavisd/amavisd.conf testkeys”. But my iredmail roundcube is not working (not sending or receiving). powermta installed successfully without any problems (i followed your instruction by using iRedMail). Please guide me seriously. I’m almost loosing hope cos it can really be frustrating…
Fixed after user provided login details. Fixed errors in pmta config and opened a port in firewall.
Now it’s working.
not working sir, please help out…i really do wished there could be a WAY of making a video for this. it would have gone a long way
There is a problem with your VPS provider. It is killing your PMTA every minute. Switch providers.