After creating the lists, adding recipient details, creating content for the campaign, and setting up the sending server, it is time to line up a campaign for sending. “Schedule” under the” Campaigns” from the main navigation will help you schedule a new campaign and also keep monitoring the status of existing campaigns in the queue. The page puts a table on view to show you the status of the existing campaigns in the sending queue or the ones that are being sent and finished, at the same time will help you click “Schedule a Campaign” from the left side corner of the page.

In this Article…

  • How do I send emails in Ninja EMS?
  • How do I choose a sending time for my email?
  • How can I control the sending speed?  
  • How can I check the status of my running campaign?

How do I send an email campaign?

As mentioned earlier, from the “Schedules” page, click “Schedule a Campaign” to send a new campaign, and fill in the following details and preferences.


It refers to a sending label, i.e. Christmas Discount, etc. The recipient of this campaign will not be able to see this sending label or name; it is just for the internal system reference.


Select a campaign from the dropdown; it carries all existing campaigns in the system for you to select one appropriate under this sending label.


Select one or more lists from the dropdown that provides names of all existing lists. In the case of selecting multiple lists, the system finishes sending to the recipients in one list first and then moves to the other selected lists.

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Sending Server

Existing sending servers or email delivery services are listed under their respective groups. You can select all SMTPs/Sending Services under one group or select your preferred ones from any group. The system has the ability to distribute and rotate sending across the selected SMTPs/Sending Services. The rotation would help you keep the sending load distributed and sender's reputation intact for better deliverability.

How can I schedule campaigns?

For the “Send” option, there are two preferences available from which you can select one.


Send the campaign soon after your preferences are saved for this campaign. The maximum delay is the time of the next cron interval.


Line up your campaign to send it later on the selected date and time. When you select this option, the calendar and time field start appearing underneath the selection.

How can control sending speed?

Email clients especially the major ones like Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, or AOL throttle the number of emails allowed in a certain period of time from a sending domain and IP, therefore, it remains an important aspect for the sending side to throttle the sending volumes according to the sender reputation of their IP and domain. The final selection before saving your preferences for a campaign to send is the “Sending Speed”. If you keep it “Unlimited”, the system will try to supply as many emails as it can to your mail server in the shortest possible time, but if you want to the hourly sending rate, select the second option “Limited” to limit the number of emails system should supply to the mail server for sending.

Click “Save & Exit” if you want to save your campaign sending preferences, or click “Exit” if you want to exit from the process without saving.

How can I monitor the progress of a campaign?

On the front page where you reach after clicking “Schedules” from the main navigation, you can view a queue of campaigns and can actively monitor their status in real time. The columns of the table offer a good deal of information concerning every campaign system that has been processed for sending. Let’s see what each column of the table tells about the campaigns in the sending queue.

  • Name- Refers to the sending label, every row under this column shows a separate campaign  
  • Campaign– Which campaign was selected to send
  • Started Date & Time– It marks the time-stamp of the start of the campaign
  • Hourly Limit- Shows if you’ve defined an hourly sending limit or kept the option as “Unlimited”
  • Status- What’s the current status of the campaign, it can be running, paused, or completed.
  • Total- Number of total recipients the campaign is aimed at
  • Scheduled- The total number of recipients eventually gets into the sending queue
  • Progress- How much the campaign has progressed? It keeps updating the real-time progress report.
  • Created- When did the campaign was saved in the system?

Under the Actions


Simply click this action to reschedule an already sent campaign. It will copy the preferences of its parent campaign and will reschedule.


Clicking this will lead you to the “Statistics” page where you’ll be able to see the analytical and statistical report of the sent campaign. The “Statistics” page is discussed in a separate article in detail.


Delete a campaign from the queue by clicking delete. If you want to delete more than one record, you will need to select the records from the first column of the table by ticking the checkboxes and then press delete from the action menu slightly above the right corner of the table.