After you’ve created a role with a set of permission and access levels for the users, now you can come to the later part of the process of creating the user accounts. Here in this article, we’ll discuss how to create user accounts and assign these accounts to a certain role. Let’s get started.
In this Article…
- How can I create user accounts within Ninja EMS?
- Where can I view and manage user accounts?
Under the “User Management” from the main navigation, clicking the “Users” will get you to the page where you’ll be able to view the existing users and can also create new ones by clicking the “Add User” button from the left side of the page.
The first selection of the add users form is assigning the user account to a suitable access level role. Select an existing role from the list or click the small plus (+) icon to add another role with the desired permissions.
What shall be the name of a new user profile? When the new user will perform any tasks/actions, it will appear with this name.
Email and Password/Confirm Password
The two of these fields are part of the user account’s login process, without having a valid email of an active account the user will not be able to log in. So both the fields of email and password are mandatory to fill with appropriate information. The new user account will use this information for the fields of Username and Password to log in to his account.
More Information
The next three fields of Address, Country, and Phone will be saved with the new user profile. Although, you can even add this information later by editing the user profile as this isn’t the mandatory information to provide for adding a new user account.
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Time Zone
Select the time zone from where the new user will operate. Your selection of the time zone preference will be saved with the user profile and the scheduled tasks such as a campaign for a specific schedule will follow the preferred time zone selection.
The default selection is “English” while you have a few other options to select the desired one from English, French, and German. If you select German, the user account will see the labels and other help texts in German for his account.
Click “Save” to save your preferences and get out of the process, click “Save & Add New” to save the selection/preferences and refresh the form for a new entry, and finally click “Exit” to get out of the process without saving the preferences.
View and Manage User Accounts
The resulting page after clicking “Users” from the main navigation will show a list of existing users’ accounts within the system with a set of information discussed in the area below.
- Name– The profile name you provided while creating a specific group. Every row under this column represents a separate account with this name.
- Role– Which role the user account is assigned to
- Email– The email address the user account will use as the username email to log in to his account
- Country-Fetching the country saved in the user profile
- Activity Status– If the user account is currently “Active” or “Inactive”. Accounts with “Active” status will only be able to access and use the accounts, while the inactive will be denied.
- Created– The date and time when the account was being created and saved within the system
Under the Actions
How can I view and edit the user account?
The first among the four icons will show the profile information set for the user account, while the second icon will open the edit page using which the admin user will be able to edit and update the earlier saved information of the user account except for the user email for the login. The username email isn’t changeable once the account is saved.
Can the admin log into the user account?
Yes, using the icon “Impersonate” the admin user can log into any specific user account he wants to. This particular right is granted to the admin or any user account to help him monitor the activity of the other user accounts, i.e. if they are sending inline to the admin sending policy.
How can I delete user accounts?
If you want to delete a specific account, you can select to “delete” under the “Actions” menu of this specific user account in the view table. If you want to delete multiple accounts, select first by ticking the checkboxes from the first column of the view table and then move to click “delete” from the “actions” menu placed slightly above the right corner of the table.