FAQ for this step is available here.

Recommended Server specificationInstalled software
8 vCPU Cores
300 GB NVMe
Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04 or CentsOS7 (required by PowerMTA MC)
Control panel
Email Marketing Software
PowerMTA Management Console

Main Server Installation

DNS Records

NOTE: Kindly note that this is the most common step where users tend to encounter difficulties, resulting in lower email deliverability. It is essential to maintain precision and focus. I highly recommend using my DNS Creator Tool for optimal results.

Before you start with your main server install I suggest setting up all necessary DNS records. You can do it manually or use my DNS Creator Tool (suggested). DNS Creator Tool will create an import file with all required DNS records. All you have to do is import them with 2 clicks.

If you want to do it manually here are all the DNS records that must be created:


A Records

Name Content

AAAA Records

Name Content

MX Records

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TXT Records

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DNS Creator Tool generates all these records for you in just a few clicks and eliminates any copy/paste errors.

rDNS or PTR Setup

It's always a smart idea to set up reverse DNS or rDNS (sometimes called PTR records) as soon as possible. It takes time for it to become visible to all computers connected to the internet. It's the same with DNS records.

IMPORTANT: Never start sending if you made major DNS or rDNS changes in the last 3 days!

It's a bit hard to write a guide on how to set up rDNS since each provider takes a bit different approach. With some providers, you set rDNS even before your server comes online, while others have dedicated sections in their dashboards. Typically rDNS settings are somewhere where your IPs are listed. Here are a few different ways to set rDNS.


rDNS Example 1

rDNS example 1

rDNS Example 2

rDNS example 2

rDNS Example 3

rDNS example 3

Hopefully, you will find a way to set rDNS with your VPS provider with ease. If you have problems try to ask their support for assistance.

IMPORTANT: Make sure your rDNS matches what you set for theMain server's hostname.

Enable IPv6

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Create swap

PowerMTA requires a swap so let's create a 1GB swap file. Just copy/paste the code below.

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Set hostname

Wait for your server to come back online. Now it's time to set the hostname. We already added A and AAAA records.


hostnamectl set-hostname sub.domain.com

Wait for your server to come back online and run this command


You should get what you set before if you don't follow the steps below.

Follow these steps to set your hostname. Click to expand.
nano /etc/hostname

Delete the old name and replace it with a new name

nano /etc/hosts

Replace any occurrence of the existing hostname with your new one.

nano /etc/hosts



Install Control Panel

Your server is now ready to install the control panel so you can continue the installation of needed services and configuration of the server in a web browser.


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The installation process of the control panel shouldn't take more than 3 minutes. When it's done you will see something like this.

Congratulations! Installed successfully!
username: randomuser
password: randompassword

Save this to your TXT file and using the info provided login to your newly installed control panel. If you are using NotePad++ you can double-click on the Internet Address.


After a successful login install the following. Use the right column.

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Since we plan on using this server for a long time you'll want to compile everything specifically for your server. Don't worry all it takes is a click of a button, but the process can take up to an hour to complete (depending on your server's hardware might take more). If you are testing and planning on doing an installation on a production server later it's ok to select "Fast" otherwise choose "Compile".

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Use the left menu and navigate to "Install extensions". Here install fileinfo and imap. Still, in PHP Manager window click on "Configuration" and change these settings:


Click "Save" at the bottom. Now go to "Configuration file". Search for (CTRL+F) "allow_url_include" and change it to "On".

Enable allow_url_include

Don't forget to save. Still, in PHP settings go to "Disabled functions" and press "Del" next to "exec", "shell_exec", "passthru", "putenv", and "proc_open" to enable these functions. Now click on "Service" and restart PHP.

Restart PHP

Your server is now ready for Email Marketing Software installation. In this guide, we use a custom software, but you can use any EMS you prefer (Mumara, Interspire, Mailwizz, ...). The reason why we are using a custom EMS is how it integrates with PowerMTA to process bounces. Mumara uses a similar solution. MailWizz and Interspire require additional thirtd-party addons for this. All mentioned EMS is available for download in Members area.

We will come back and tighten security, create some email addresses, and if needed make the server ready to host your other websites (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, ...).

Install Email Marketing Software

Now we are going to install the Email Marketing Software. This is used to manage lists, recipients, sending servers, ...


Add domain

In the controls panel left menu click on "Website" and now the green "Add site" button. In the "Domain name" field write your domain name and select the "HTTP redirects to HTTPS" checkbox. Since you already added A and AAAA records to Cloudflare before the SSL verification should pass without a problem. If it doesn't make sure your DNS records are correct and wait for them to propagate.

add domain to control panel

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Click the green "Submit" button at the bottom. Your web folder for the domain you just added is /www/wwwroot/yourdomain.com.

Create SQL database

In the controls panel left menu click on "Databases" and now the green "Add database" button. In the "DBName" field write "emsoftware", for "Username" enter "emsuser". Leave the password as it is or generate a new one. Copy the password to your TXT file. You can use "Force SSL".

Control panel create SQL database

Click the green "Submit" button at the bottom.

Upload Email Marketing Software

In the controls panel left menu click on "Files" and navigate to yourdomain.com. Click the "Upload" button and select or drag ems.zip (download it from the Members area, it's included in guide.zip). Click the green "Upload" button at the bottom and wait for the upload to complete.


Control panel upload files

Close the upload window and right-click on ems.zip. Select "Unzip"

Control panel unzip files

In the window that pops up enter unzip password and press the green "Confirm" button.

Control panel path to unzip

Right-click ems.zip again and select "Delete" to remove it from your web folder. Confirm deletion with the green "confirm" button. Email Marketing Software is ready for installation.


Run the following commands.

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Point your web browser to https://yourdomain.com/install and enter the SQL database, username, and password. Enter your login email and choose a password (save both to your TXT file). Click "Install".

Ninja EMS installation

The installer should complete in a few seconds but in the meantime open your SSH client.

Ninja EMS installed


Login to EMS with the email and password you choose during installation.

Set cron tab for EMS

You can check your cron command in the last step of installation. Go back to your control panel.


In the controls panel left menu click on "Cron" and use the command "/usr/bin/php /www/wwwroot/yourdomain.com/artisan schedule:run >/dev/null 2>&1". The execution cycle must be set to 1 minutes. Click the green "Add task" button.

Control panel set up cron

You will see your cron under "Task List" on the same page.


Now go back to your preferred SSH client and run the following to remove the "install" directory and enable Geo tracking.

cd /www/wwwroot/yourdomain.com
rm -rf install/
cd geo
wget https://mailcarry.com/downloads/GeoLite2-City.zip
unzip GeoLite2-City.zip && rm -f GeoLite2-City.zip

EMS installation is now complete. We'll come back to it to adjust a few settings, but let's move to the PowerMTA Management Console installation.

login screen

Install PowerMTA Management Console

We are almost finished with installations on our main server. Now it's time to install the PowerMTA Management Console. Open your SSH client.


Since we already set the hostname and created a swap file in previous steps there is no need for that. But if you are installing PowerMTA Management Console on a fresh server install you need to take care of that before you continue.

Run this commands

yum install nano bzip2 unzip ntp wget -y
yum update -y

Upload pmtamc.zip (download it in the Members area) to /root directory on your server. You can do it either in Bitvise SSH using the "New SFTP windows" button where your starting location will be /root so just drag the file in there or via the control panel. In the controls panel left menu click "Files" and navigate to /root. Upload pmtamc.zip the same way you uploaded before.

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PowerMTA Management Console download

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PowerMTA Management Console is installed and running. But before you can connect to it you have to open some ports in your main server's firewall. Before we move to the control panel, run this set of commands in your SSH client to complete the PMTA MC install.

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Restart PowerMTA Management Console

Open ports

In the controls panel left menu click on "Security" and now the green "Add Rule" button. Allow connections to ports "8181, 8282, 4848, 3700, 7676, 8686" like in the image below.


PowerMTA MC open ports

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Click the green "Confirm" button.

PowerMTA Management Console - MAIN SERVER

PowerMTA Management Console login screen

Change your password on your first login.

PowerMTA Management Console first login

PowerMTA Management Console is now up and running. But it's rather useless without a PowerMTA node.

Depending on your needs you now have a main server running Ubuntu or CentOS. There is a control panel for easier configuration and administration of the server. We installed Email Marketing Software and in the last part of this step PowerMTA Management Console.

Here are all the important URLs and other information. All of this should already be in your TXT file!

Control Panel

Your control panel is accessible at
username: in your TXT file
password: in your TXT file

Domain & SQL

Your domain is now accessible in the browser
Website Path: /www/wwwroot/yourdomain.com
SQL database: emssoftware
Username: emsuser
Password: in your TXT file


Our custom EMS is now accessible in the browser
Username: in your TXT file
Password: in your TXT file

PowerMTA Management Console

PowerMTA Management Console is now accessible in the browser
Username: admin
Password: admin

Congratulations! You finished Step 1!

Continue to Step 2 and Install PowerMTA or check the FAQ if you encounter any problems during installation.