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Bulk Email Server Guide: Install PowerMTA Management Console

Our Main Server is looking good and everything is working as it should. We don't have any MTA servers yet, but let's get everything on the Main server ready now.

We took care of most of the important settings and configurations of our Main server. However, be sure you do not miss "Security tips" and protect your hard work from unwanted visitors.

Now it's time to install PowerMTA Management Console or PMC. But first, let's take a look at what PMC actually is.

The PowerMTA™ Management Console (PMC) is a sophisticated command centre for reporting, monitoring and configuring multiple PowerMTA™ nodes. By distributing the workload across multiple instances of PowerMTA™ servers and configuring settings from a single interface, you simplify management of the entire node group.

Centralized control of performance parameters permits you to efficiently identify threats and enhance platform reliability. This enables PowerMTA™ to drastically improve deliverability, preserve IP reputation and mitigate real-time performance problems. Approximately ten nodes processing 1 million messages per hour can be concurrently registered to a PowerMTA™ Management Console if deployed on hardware that meets recommended specifications.

So, in short, it's where you will spend most of your time while monitoring your bulk email server performance (and you should!). All your MTA servers will be connected to it and you will be able to monitor and configure each according to your sending needs.


First, go to the Members Dashboard and head to the Download section. You will find links to all the software we are using in this guide there. You can have multiple installs and use it however you want.

Download the zip file to your local computer and extract it. Now upload everything to /root using SFTP in Bitvise and install with:


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Why 3 digit number?

You never know, maybe at some point you will have more than 100 MTA servers and you want to be ready, don't you?

Now you are ready to start with MTA server setup. Remember you don't need much for this almost every budget VPS will do. The only requirement is 1 GB RAM. I use servers from $2 - $6 for my MTA servers and always pay just for 1 month upfront.

Having problems?
Please use the comments below for your questions. This way other users can benefit from provided answers. Please read this first!

This tutorial is a part of the complete Do It Yourself Bulk Email Server Guide. If you are interested in starting with email marketing or want to improve your delivery, open, and click rates I recommend that you follow it from the beginning. Almost 15 years in this business and many, many tests show that this is the best long-run solution for every mass email sender with a double opt-in, scraped, or bought list.

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This Post Has 29 Comments

  1. ninja

    Here are most frequent problems users have in this step.

    None so far.

  2. ljjtfyl3c1sharpd4b

    Not a valid license.
    No valid LAK found in LAK file /etc/pmtamc/license

    1. ninja

      If you copied license to the correct location and are still getting no valid LAK error do this

      nano /etc/pmtamc/license

      and delete the line starting with “check:” and replace it with

      check: 1-FpGgGBLdoHeMJyRs+7cobIAkEHuk2331InDZDeJsT+/GTGuVM+rtivjFbPQv3n+G8OBefUouXkoSzJHC66grGg==

  3. ljjtfyl3c1sharpd4b

    Thanks it worked 🙂

    1. allisong

      did not work for me

  4. jajboy

    Not a valid license.
    No valid LAK found in LAK file /etc/pmtamc/license

    1. ninja

      Please explain steps you did so far. Did you try the answer from my other comment?

      1. jajboy

        Yes, i tried your previous answer but it didn’t work too. I am currently stuck.

      2. jajboy

        The problem is the license. Only the license is not working.

  5. jajboy

    It is working fine now, Thanks

    1. ninja

      Fixed this after user provided root login.

    2. allisong

      how did yours work?

  6. pritich

    After copying all files and trying to install:-
    rpm -ivh PowerMTA-MC-infrastructure-1.5r4-201601132214.x86_64.rpm
    getting the below error. Pls help
    error: Failed dependencies:
    ntp is needed by PowerMTA-MC-infrastructure-1.5r4-201601132214.x86_64

    1. ninja

      Install ntp with

      yum install ntp

      1. pritich

        Yes Thank you. I did that. Its working for first file .

    2. pritich

      Was able to install above by installing ntp.
      But while installing rpm -ivh PowerMTA-MC-1.5r4-201601132214.x86_64.rpm
      Preparing… ################################# [100{68e7e9a41b18d877ce48f6781f70190f02eae72a8a860d5cd4744b65c53b0402}]
      it gives below error. I even installed a swapfile, but still the same error. pls advice.
      ERROR: Cannot install as swap is too low. Allocate at least 524288 kB o
      f swap.

      error: {68e7e9a41b18d877ce48f6781f70190f02eae72a8a860d5cd4744b65c53b0402}pre(PowerMTA-MC-1.5r4-201601132214.x86_64) scriptlet failed, exit status 1
      error: PowerMTA-MC-1.5r4-201601132214.x86_64: install failed

      1. pritich

        working now. Thanks.

        1. allisong

          how did you fix yours?

  7. pritich

    After editing the /etc/pmtamc/license as mentioned above and loging into pmc console, it says

    No valid PowerMTA Management Console license found. Pls advice.

    1. ninja

      If nothing from above worked please contact live support for details where to send login info.

      1. pritich

        its working now.

  8. asadali82

    Hey Guys,
    Can you please help out in how to register a node in PMTA-MC.

    1. ninja

      First set your MC to accept new nodes. Afte that use this command

      pmta register [–user=name] [–label=name] [–webmon-ip=ip] [–webmon-port=number] [–pmtamc-port=number] [–reuse-label] pmtamc-hostname

      This part is deliberate missing info. By now you should know your system inside out and should know that from time to time it’s good to read the manual. Only by learning about your system you will be able to keep it sender reputation high.

      The truth is it’s really easy to add nodes to MC. If you managed to get this far you shouldn’t have any problems.

      To make it a bit easier check guide on page 184. However, I do suggest you at least “fast read” it from start to end.

      If you can’t find the manual check the pmta monitoring page.

  9. jajboy

    I am getting this error when trying to add PMTA to PMTAMC console.

    Error: Timed out, status = ETIMEDOUT

  10. allisong

    for some reason i cannot open the login platform for PMTA hostname.domain.com:8181 what I’m missing? I have come this far and would really need some help

    1. allisong

      working now thanks

      1. allisong

        i just noticed i did not return the cloudflare orange to grey and that was why

  11. PhoenixR5

    After setting up this entire thing all on my own (yes I bothered you with a lot of questions but none got answered) I get to this part. It’s disheartening to see you deliberately leave stuff out of the command because you say we should know it. Well I think I know my system inside and out and i even read the PMTAC manual but this command to register remote MTAs is a nightmare. What manual on page 184 are you referring to? How can I “fast read” something when I don’t know what manual you are talking about? I got to Monitoring and there is no link to any manual there either. Given this guide is for extremely advanced computer experience people you’d think you could just throw a freaking bone here not deliberately leave stuff out after all the headaches to get this thing running. So…you think you could either point me in the direction of where exactly this 184th page of what manual you are talking about is or fill in the command but using bogus data so I can get past this?

    1. ninja

      If you would know your system inside out you would know that pmta guide is available in your pmta monitor. Did you even login there?

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