After creating a place to save contact details by adding a few lists in the system, let’s now learn what ways you can save the recipient/contact details to a specific list.
In This Article…
- How can I import bulk recipient details to a List?
- How can I add Recipient Details manually?
This specific article discusses one question from the above-mentioned; the second question is addressed in a separate article that can be reached by hitting the clickable link. Here in the following area, you’ll find out the necessary details.
Select a list to add/save the recipient details. In this dropdown, contact lists are arranged under the respective list groups.
The other mandatory field on this page is the recipient email. In an email program or email marketing software, the email field is always mandatory and it is attached to every contact list you create as the default behavior of the application. So, simply writing or pasting the recipient's email will save this entry in the selected contact list.
Other Options/Preferences
There are more than a few buttons right below the email field, find out what each selection reflects.
- HTML/Text
Select if the recipient shall receive the text or HTML emails only. If you select the option as Text, the recipient will only receive the text version of the email, but if you select HTML, the recipient can receive both the HTML and also the text part of the sent email.
- Active/Inactive
If you mark the recipient you are adding as inactive, it will not be included in any email campaign you’ll send from your Ninja EMS account. So keep the recipient status as active if you want to actively send the emails.
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- Confirm/Unconfirmed
If you select this option as “Confirm”, then the system will be sent an email with a confirmation link to such recipients. You can view/edit the confirmation email content by going to Layouts -> Pages/Emails. And if you remember, you already have selected SMTP/Mail Server to send the confirmation during the process of creating a list. However, if you don’t want the system to later send the confirmation email, you should mark the status of such recipients as “Unconfirmed”.
- Subscribed/Unsubscribed
The contacts flagged as unsubscribed aren’t included in any future campaign to be sent from the system. Keep the recipient status as “Subscribed” for continued sending.
Custom Fields: How can I use Custom Field Details?
You can find much detailed discussion on the custom fields in the respective article under “Lists”. Here we are just concentrating on filling the custom fields that appear during the process of adding the recipient details. Make sure, the custom fields you’ve connected with a specific list will appear only appear on the add recipient page. For example, if you’ve connected the Company filed with the list “A”, and now on add recipient page, you’ve selected the list “A” to add recipient details to, the “Gender” field will appear under “Custom Fields” section to fill in the gender details of the recipient before you save.
Click “Save” to save your preferences, “Exit” to leave the page without saving, and “Save and Add another” to save the current preference and reopen the page for a new entry.