On this page, you can view and manage all existing recipients saved across all the lists you’ve in your Ninja EMS account. Let’s take a further look at the information discussed in this article.

In this article

  • How can view all recipients in one place?
  • How can I edit or update recipient details?
  • How can I delete the recipient?

How can I view all recipients?

 View Recipients under Recipients on the main navigation puts a table on the view that offers details concerning every recipient detail you’ve in your system. Columns starting from the recipient ID which is unique for every contact/recipient, following is the list of information-related columns provided.

  • ID- Unique for every recipient
  • Email-The email of the recipient
  • List Name- Name of the list to which recipient details are saved
  • Format- One option between HTML and Text
  • Active- If the recipient is active or inactive
  • Confirmed- What’s the confirmation status of the recipient?
  • Unsubscribed- If the recipient set as unsubscribed or not?
  • Created- Date when the recipient details were saved to the specific list

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How can I delete one or More Recipients?

There are two ways you can delete the recipient entry from the system.

  1. As mentioned each row of the column represents a unique record, and the dropdown under “Actions” is specific to that particular record only. So if you select “Delete” from there, it will only delete that specific record/recipient from the system.
  2. If you want to bulk delete multiple records in one go, you’ll follow another course of action. You’ll select the records to delete, and then select “Delete” from the right side corner of the table.

Make sure deleting will permanently delete a record/entry from the system and you can’t reverse this action.Notes and Alerts

How can I edit/update the recipient details?

By selecting “Edit” under the “Actions” column, you can edit and update earlier saved preferences and recipient details. However, you can’t edit the list you’ve earlier selected to save the recipient details.

Other actions you can perform?

Click the button to go directly to add the recipient/contact page

Click the button to go directly to the import recipients/contacts page