Interspire Email Marketer blocked due to content error

A common problem amongst email marketers is that their emails are blocked due to content

To fix it you will have to use Maborak spin addon and use your creativity and imagination. There are of course other ways to see the blocked due to content error as less as possible.

What is causing emails to get blocked due to content?

blocked due to contentIf you look at your delivery logs you probably noticed that some hundred emails were successfully delivered before they started to bounce with error message “blocked due to content”.


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Maborak Interspire Email Marketer Plugins

Maborak plugins are amazing and can really extend features of Interspire email marketer

Interspire Email Marketer is, however, a powerful app on its own but it’s a bit outdated and by default, it is missing some features an email power sender like me can't live without. Everything we see in other less popular email marketing applications is also in Interspire. But what if you need more and want to extend its features. Well here is where Maborak plugins come really handy.

If you haven't heard of them you should check them out, but do keep in mind they are rather pricey. That is the main reason why most users will simply download cracked or nulled version of available Maborak plugins.


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Mumara – The Best Email Marketing Application

Mumara is next-generation email marketing software that made my life a lot easier.

I am a heavy email sender and was going crazy with Interspire email marketing and MailWizz. I came to the point where I almost quit everything because doing anything in before mentioned programs requires too much clicking and is very time-consuming. Even a simple task like splitting lists into smaller parts is a hard job.

Anyhow, I almost quit everything even tho it was bringing in good money. Well, luckily I didn’t. I found a new email marketing software that changed my life. First I bought one license, then I bought my second license. I soon realized that if I want this software on all my servers it isn’t going to be cheap. The good thing for my wallet was that I am tech savvy so I took matters into my own hands and cracked or nulled it so I was able to use it on as many servers as needed.


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Install Interspire Email Marketer on VPS

This is a very popular topic and a question to what VPS should you use and how to install Interspire email marketer setup isn’t that simple. But something not being simple never stopped me before so let's dive right in.

First, let's see what do we want to achieve:

  • Select a VPS (preferably cheap)
  • Install Interspire email marketer
  • Import our lists
  • Send email to X contacts


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