Interspire Email Marketer blocked due to content error

A common problem amongst email marketers is that their emails are blocked due to content

To fix it you will have to use Maborak spin addon and use your creativity and imagination. There are of course other ways to see the blocked due to content error as less as possible.

What is causing emails to get blocked due to content?

blocked due to contentIf you look at your delivery logs you probably noticed that some hundred emails were successfully delivered before they started to bounce with error message “blocked due to content”.

Well at some point the recipient's mail server “decided” that it had enough of your marketing emails and started to block them due to content. This doesn't mean your IP or domain is blocked. It's just that Gmail or co had enough of your emails with the same or very similar content.

How to stop it?

If you are using Interspire the only thing you can do is to heavily spin your content. Be creative and use spintax in a way that it will make your content look unique. Don't just spin a few words. Spin your subject lines, images, links, ... Try to make each email you sent as unique as possible and you should have better results with delivery rates and will see the blocked due to content bounce error a lot less often.

Are there other ways?

Yes, you can also prevent the blocked due to content error by creating many different versions of each email creative and of course also spin each one as much as possible.

Interspire email marketer users will, of course, have a lot of extra work so maybe a better solution is to switch to a more modern email marketing software that will allow you to do everything described above and a lot more. I personally can't even say how happy I am that I switched Interspire for Mumara.

Look at some features that made the biggest impression on me and completely changed my email marketing workflow.

  • Manage large contact List
  • Send multiple email campaigns
  • Stay delegated with auto follow-ups
  • Spin content within your email campaign(s) to avoid being spammed
  • Segment your data according to stats and profile fields
  • Never miss a sale by using Triggers
  • Send millions of Emails within minutes using multi threads
  • Mask your main domain with multiple remote domains
  • Use multiple MTA/SMTP for better emailing practice
  • Be informed when the reputation gets down
  • Track real-time advanced statistics along with Geo Location

And if we connect Mumara to each external (or internal) MTA we have we'll be able to:

  • Change config file of each connected PowerMTA
  • See sending stats for each connected PowerMTA
  • Reload or restart PowerMTA, restart SQL and server

On top of above-mentioned features connecting two will also:

  • Enable mumara to use bounce and other log files to automatically process bounces, ...
  • Allow Mumara to prepare everything you need for domain masking

And Mumara can also:

  • Create SMTP accounts
  • Create bounce emails
  • Generate DKIM records for all your MTAs
  • Prepare reverse DNS settings
  • And so on

You probably got the idea. It will save you hours of work so even tho it might be tricky and requires a great deal of precision it is worth it. It will also help you not just with blocked due to content problems but will also save you time (and a lot of clicks), improve your delivery, open and click rates. And what's even more important it will make your job fun.