Bulk Email Server – How to Setup on Your Own

For many setting up an email server is something they would never do on their own. I too used to ask others for help when I started with bulk email sending. But soon I realised that it would be a lot better if I do this on my own. Here is why:

  • This way I am independent and don't have to pay someone to set up my server
  • I don't have to worry about my lists getting stolen
  • And this is the most important. If you do something for your own personal use you will take care of every single detail that could affect your deliverability.


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How to send mass emails without spamming?

I will answer your question and show you how to send mass emails without spamming. Monthly costs can be as low as a few bucks but I recommend a system for around $35 per month.

So you have a huge contact list that I am sure you got from your double-opt-in form on your website 😉 and now you have an idea.

What if I send mass emails to all these contacts? Hell even if only 1% converts it will make you rich!

But then soon you realise that it's not that easy. ESPs like MailChimp and AWeber closed your accounts minutes after you imported your contact lists. Your VPS got blacklisted and your delivery rates dropped to the point where sending had no point anymore.


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How to send mass email

Want complete freedom when you send mass email? The best way is to host everything on your own server.

send mass emailDon't worry, it's not as hard as it sounds especially since I have a step-by-step guide you can follow. If you’ll follow my guide your system will be able to send mass email.  It will also “do” everything to avoid blacklistings and getting a reputation of a spammer.


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How to send bulk emails without getting blacklisted?

Your search ends here. Here is the answer to your question and I'll also show you how to send bulk emails without getting blacklisted. Monthly costs can be as low as a few bucks but I recommend a system for around $30-$40 per month.

So you have a huge list of contacts that I am sure you got from your double-opt-in form on your website 😉 and now you have an idea.


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